Emergent Conditions:

A City Project

a series of multimedia composite drawings based on trends and speculations of a city


EMERGENT CONDITIONS is a series of conceptual drawings representing the creative and radical abstraction of a city where certain conditions or situations are reinterpreted and amplified through speculative imaging. Taking the form of a composite multimedia drawing, the city speculates the conditions of the following immersive environments:



Oct 2020

Project Type

Speculative Imaging;

Multimedia Composite Drawings & 3D Modeling


Rhino, Adobe Suite (Ps, Ai)

A. City of Pixelated Identities

Surveillance technologies dominate our modern political environment and accelerate the productions of digital social identities. When we go through the city every day, how to distinguish physical beings with pixels and data points? Where does personal identity end and digital identity begin?


B. City of Natural and Artificial Beings

Emergent developments of urban rewilding forced the coexistence of nature and urbanites. Stealth infrastructures are ways to conceal cell towers into nature, but can symbiotic relationships really exist between humans and animals, or are we still remaining in a human-centered narrative?


C. City of Social Identity Archiving

The production of identity documents and archives are essential passes towards social functions and participations. While modern archiving systems are made more efficient through biometric technologies, does it create intentional exclusion towards other beings? Is the human archive decentralized enough for nature?


D. City of Chaotic Cultural Collages

The synthesis of ancient culture and global modernity are two dominant narratives constantly in collision and negotiation. In places of chaotic cultural collages, how do they usually intersect? Is one narrative always hegemonizing the other?



(in collaboration with 3 other designers)



The Absurdity of Consuming (Video Art & Creative Coding)


Surf Station (Hardware & Web)